Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is comprised of persons of the Church who faithfully and devoutly undertake the care of the Altar and its Vestments.
Membership in the Altar Guild is open to anyone of the Church who desires to serve God through this regular work. Meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
The work schedule is determined by the director with each team working for a period of a week on a rotating basis.
Altar Servers
Altar servers help make the service go smoothly. Acolytes, Subdeacons, Chalice Bearers, Oblationers, Torchbearers, and others each perform various roles during the service.
Choir & Music
Do you like to sing? Then please come join our choir! Do you play an instrument and would like to help provide music during our worship? Great! Join in. Practice is at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Flower Guild
Members arrange and purchase (with donated funds) the flowers for the altar each week. Flower donations are encouraged to mark special days or in remembrance of special people.
Have you been told you have a nice speaking voice? Lectors, also called Lay Readers, read the Word of God during the first part of the Mass.
Rosary Chapter
The Rosary Chapter at Holy Apostles meets once a month prior to the Mass for Our Lady of Walsingham.