Our Services
We have two services each Sunday. Our 8 a.m. service is a Said Mass that is a quiet, contemplative experience. There's no music, singing, or incense. It's a very friendly group who will probably invite you to breakfast or Sunday School after. This Mass usually lasts around 45 minutes.
Our 10 a.m. service is a Sung Mass with organ music, singing both by the congregation and the choir, incense, and the Priest sings parts of the liturgy. This is a very celebratory experience. This Mass usually finishes around 11:20 a.m. and is followed by our Coffee Hour where we have snacks and fellowship. And, of course, coffee.
What is Mass?
Both of our Sunday services are Holy Eucharists (Holy Communion). The Mass is broken into two main parts: Word and Sacrament. At Holy Apostles, we use the Rite I liturgy from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.
The first part centers on hearing the Word of God in readings from the Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament letters and the Gospel. A sermon expounds on the readings from that day and applies it to our lives. The service transitions with the offertory where we offer ourselves to God for the second part or Mass.
Holy Communion is where we are spiritually nourished to continue in our Christian journey. Communion is open to all baptized Christians who are in good standing or receive in their own church. We conclude with a blessing and a dismissal where we are sent back into the world to proclaim the Gospel.
What do I do?
Mass is a very participatory experience. At Holy Apostles we worship in a traditional, authentic way. We sing, pray, sit, stand, kneel, genuflect, cross ourselves, and so on. But don't feel intimidated! You will notice that different people do things differently, and that's okay. Join in when you feel comfortable and you are able. There are Mass Booklets in the pews to guide you along, but don't ever feel obligated. And by all means, feel free to ask anyone if you have any questions. We are a pretty friendly bunch and are so happy you joined us!

What about kids?
Kids of all ages are welcome in our services. We know kids can often get restless, noisy, and cry. That's okay. To us, that is part of the fellowship of the Mass. Children are invited to come to the altar during Communion to receive a personal blessing from the Priest. We also have a nursery and Sunday School classes for different ages.